Acupuncture Treatment for Miscarriage
A miscarriage is the loss of pregnancy that prevents a live birth. Miscarriages can occur from developmental problems of the fetus, abnormalities in the mother, fertility issues from inefficient sperm, in addition to other causes. The truth is that miscarriages do happen, and the risk increases with age, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to support a healthy pregnancy. DeCicco Acupuncture is dedicated to providing patients suffering from miscarriages with a safe drug-free alternative.
Acupuncture is a viable method of pregnancy support. This practice of Eastern medicine promotes good fertility and miscarriage prevention, pain relief, and coping therapy. With your fertility and well-being in mind, the techniques used at DeCicco Acupuncture will help increase blood flow and positive energy throughout the body. Acupuncture assists with correcting fertility complications, reducing bleeding and leveling any potential imbalances of hormones. Acupuncture can help establish a uterine cleanse to help rebuild its smooth lining to prevent any potential, or future, complications in the event of pre or post-miscarriage. Aside from physical therapeutic assistance, this alternative medicine also focuses on you emotionally and spiritual. DeCicco’s adoption and utilization of acupunctural techniques allow us to successfully improve your quality of life and general health.
DeCicco Acupuncture wants to put you on a healthy path to recovery starting today! Contact us to schedule an appointment and visit our blog to learn more about acupuncture, DeCicco and our pricing and insurance policies.