Cosmetic acupuncture is a form of acupuncture that helps promote and restore a radiant facial glow and help wrinkles vanish. Cosmetic acupuncture works by inserting tiny needles into the face, body and directly into the wrinkles. When these tiny needles are inserted and manipulated, there are micro-traumas that are being created in the skin which creates a reaction in the body. When the body realizes there are micro traumas in the skin, the body starts to create collagen and elastin to the sites of trauma. When we have the collagen and elastin being created we will start to see a fuller face and firmer skin. Blood will also start to flow to the insertion areas and help fill out those unwanted wrinkles. Cosmetic acupuncture is an all natural approach to facial rejuvenation and can have a strong and long lasting result without the use of botox or fillers. Typical treatments last about an hour and a half and twelve treatments are recommended for the best results, with monthly maintenance treatments following. Facial cupping and facial gua-sha and facial massage are additional methods that are used in order to obtain that radiant glow. A good candidate for cosmetic acupuncture will be an individual in good health. This treatment does involve a lot of needles that are inserted into the face so an individual with high blood pressure may not be the best candidate for this type of treatment. Please talk to your licensed acupuncturist before starting cosmetic acupuncture to see if you are a good candidate for this type of treatment.
- Mon- Fri: 9:45AM - 7:00PM
- Sat: 9:45 - 1:00PM