Fighting The Cold And Flu With Acupuncture

Fighting The Cold And Flu With Acupuncture

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine is about finding the root cause of a disease and illness. The change of seasons bring with them different external pathological factors that can cause harm to our bodies. These external pathogens are attacking and invading our bodies from the outside-in. Areas of vulnerability are exposed open pores, our mouth and our nose. The external pathogens that help create the cold and flu are cold, wind, dampness and heat. Two of the most common patterns for the cold and flu that I see in my practice this time of year are Wind-Cold Pattern and Wind-Dampness Pattern. People are suffering from colds and the flu which nobody has time for. So how can acupuncture help?

Acupuncture helps by reducing chills, fever and body aches. Acupuncture helps prevent getting a cold and/or the flu by boosting and strengthening the Wei qi. Wei Qi is equivalently to your immune system in western medicine. Acupuncture will also help you get over the flu or a cold faster and it will help relieve pain from sore throats and sinus congestion.

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