Treating Back Pain With Acupuncture
Monday, 20 April 2020
by Muhammad Adil
Acupuncture has been proven to be a effective modality for treating low back pain. How? you ask. Through proper diagnosis and a true understanding of the root cause of your back pain. Is it muscular or visceral? Is it due to your neck tension or are your hips misaligned? Yes your neck and/or hips could
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acupuncture, Athlete, athletic, back pain, Headaches, neuropathy, new jersey, Pain, pinched nerve, sciatica, stress, Trigger point
Monday, 13 April 2020
by Muhammad Adil
Hey everyone! So, I decided to write this blog because a lot of people reached out and wanted to know more about how trigger points (TP’s) can be contributing or creating their headaches. Let’s first start with what kinds of TP’s there are and what they do. TP’s are tissue and muscle that has become
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